Saturday, August 7, 2010

What Does it Mean?


It's funny how its meaning has grown and expanded like a rubber band. It's sad how it can reach a snapping point beyond repair.


It's weird how each hour may drrraaaaaaggggg ooooooonnnnnn, but at the end of the day, yourealizeeachmomentranintothenextwithoutpause.

Looking back over my summer, I can hardly believe that school is about to begin again. I have to sit back and try to remember what I've experienced, although none of it was that long ago...

I've lost a good friend and gained a few more. I've been speechless and talkative. I've been motivated and lazy (perhaps more emphasis on the latter...). I've been frugal and unwisely frivolous. I've learned what it means to forgive and truly forget...


Yes... We've all heard that idiom, "Forgive and forget." It's one of those sayings we throw around like loose change, but when it comes time to spend it, we can think of every reason to become penny pinchers. Literary giant C.S. Lewis even pointed out "Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive."

Did you know there are health benefits to forgiving? According to WebMD, lower blood pressure and a stronger immune system are just a few of the benefits, not to mention lower stress hormones. I definitely noticed a drop in my stress levels once I was able to fully forgive and forget. I think that forgiveness isn't fulfilled unless one is able to move on without grinding one's teeth at the mere mention of the offender's name.

This is where I'm at now. I'm sad that I've lost the friendship (she saw fit to break it off with me for no apparent reason), but I'm now looking forward to the coming semester with excitement and anticipation, knowing that I have many opportunities awaiting me.


It's discouraging how it can wither. It's relieving that it can always be renewed in some form.


It's mind-blowing that a person can change in as little as a day. It's inspiring how one moment can make a difference.


  1. Rach,

    I'm obsessed with your blog. Your writing is quirky and so impressive. I miss you, I can't believe how long its been since I last saw you. Get ahold of me soon on fb or shoot me a txt or something!


  2. Michael and I are going to write our next song based off of your blog!

    Nice words - I especially liked the part about forgiving. Well said.

  3. Mitch, I miss you as well! Yeah, it's really been too long. I hope we get ot hang out sometime!

    Caleb, I'm honored! I'm really excited to hear it. I'm glad that I am able to inspire you guys :)
