Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Product of Boredom

Well, now I've done it.

I've taken The Plunge and have now created a Blog. I must admit, I never much liked the idea of baring my soul for the world to see. I realize that I don't
need to do so on here, that it's a matter of free will. In any case, this will be amusing to look back on when I'm old and gray.

I merely want an outlet for the thoughts that are tumbling
around in my head from time to time.

(Comments/suggestions/ advice very much welcome! From whomever may be reading this, not that I expect anyone to.)

Besides creating a blog, I have also done a few other things out of sheer boredom. I've actually had a block of time when I am able to read! I suppose I may as well spill the beans now: I'm a college student. In case this means nothing to you, it (for me, at least) means that I have no time or energy to do any free reading. So far, I've completed three books in the course of my Christmas break. Along with watching more movies than I care to admit...

I've also started a long-term project
where I take a photo of myself every day for a certain amount of time. That period of time has yet to be determined, but so far I've decided one thing: I should have started when I go back to college. Why? Because then I have a reason to wear something other than sweatpants and a hoodie. So, for the first two weeks of my project, I've resigned myself to the fact that I will look like a strung-out druggie with makeup leftovers on her face looking for her next fix.

But only for the first two weeks.

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